General Guidelines
Authors who are interested in publishing in HDSR may submit a proposal to be screened for invitation of a full paper. HDSR reserves the right to make adjustment to this and other guidelines at any time and without notice.
Publication Policies
The editorial board reserves the right to impose specific requirements for individual articles, including modifying titles and abstracts, before acceptance.
HDSR is a single-blind journal. Co-Editors, Associate Editors, and Reviewers will know the authors’ identities, but authors will not know any of their editors’ or reviewers’ identities.
Authors must complete an author agreement form prior to publication. The agreement guarantees the publication in the open-access digital form, and permits HDSR to publish the accepted article in other forms (e.g., in print for special issues or collections) solely at HDSR’s discretion. Publication beyond the digital version is not guaranteed.
HDSR is an open access journal that publishes content under a CC-BY 4.0 license.
Authors retain copyright and full publishing rights without restriction. Please see our author agreement here. Authors may post their articles to an institutional or other repository of their choice.
Authors of accepted content must include a preview image for the table of contents page and social media sharing. Ideally, this image will come directly from the article itself, or otherwise be author-created. Some authors use royalty-free image sites as well. Authors are responsible for confirming that they have permission to use their preview images.
The editorial board reserves the right to impose specific requirements for individual articles, including modifying titles and abstracts, before acceptance.
Eligibility of Submissions
HDSR considers exclusive submissions only. However, HDSR will consider content that has been deposited in institutional archives or repositories such as arXiv.
Papers that have been presented at conferences but have not been formally published are eligible.
HDSR will not consider content that another peer-reviewed publication has already published, unless HDSR requests for re-printing for special reasons (e.g., per agreement with an affiliated publication).
Written permission is required if authors include any content published in copyrighted material, such as figures and tables, or quoted text exceeding Fair Use parameters. It is the author’s responsibility to acquire permissions for copyrighted materials. Authors must provide proof of permissions before publication.
It is important to note that authors are responsible for acquiring permission to use data or media they did not create. Authors also must have written permission from patients, students, case studies, etc., if cases or data are referenced in their manuscripts. HDSR does not collect patient consent forms or comparable sensitive materials. When submitting to the publication, authors must confirm that they have collected the necessary permission and, should a conflict arise, and are expected to produce written proof of permission.
Sequence of Publishing
Accepted articles must undergo copyediting and proofreading in advance of publication. At the time of acceptance, authors must also sign HDSR’s author agreement form. Once authors submit their signed forms, HDSR may publish the Just Accepted version of the article, as well as its title and abstract.
Just Accepted
The Just Accepted version of the manuscript is a watermarked PDF of the accepted, pre-copyedited article. The HDSR editorial office will add the watermark and, if applicable, convert the Word doc to PDF formatting. The DOI (digital object identifier) remains the same for the Just Accepted and final versions. If referencing the Just Accepted version, authors should indicate the version in their references, works cited, or bibliography.
Author Accounts
HDSR requires published authors to create a PubPub account for each author unless there are compelling reasons preventing the authors from doing so, in which authors can petition for a waiver. Submitting authors do not need to create accounts as part of the review process.
PubPub is HDSR’s digital publishing platform, and having an account creates a bio page which authors may populate and update. Having an account allows authors to make use of the interactive components of our site, and they can comment on and annotate published work.