For authors working in LaTeX, HDSR requires the use of our journal template, available on Overleaf. When submitting to Editorial Manager, authors may upload files directly to the system as well as provide a link to their manuscript in Overleaf.
We request that authors only use LaTeX when working with mathematics. For non-mathematical articles, please refer to our Word doc guidelines (and template, here).
While downloading this template does not require an Overleaf account, we do use Overleaf to facilitate copyediting and production for accepted works to expedite the production process and simplify the process of making errata and addendum. Authors are encouraged to work in Overleaf, especially if invited to submit a revision after initial decision.
Authors working in LaTeX should create a single .tex file for the full manuscript and supply separate image files, if applicable. JPEG and PNG are preferred for online; please do not use PDFs for images.
Some code is not compatible with our site. For more details on LaTeX commands that do and don’t work, please refer to this document. HDSR recommends that authors check this list before submitting to avoid incompatible latex commands. If the authors run into trouble with the latex compiling that are not addressed in this document, they should report the problems to our editorial office.